lundi 21 mars 2011
Wine knows how to adorn the most sordid hovel
With marvelous luxury
And make more than one fabulous portal appear
In the gold of its red mist
Like a sun setting in a cloudy sky.
Opium magnifies that which is limitless,
Lengthens the unlimited,
Makes time deeper, hollows out voluptuousness,
And with dark, gloomy pleasures
Fills the soul beyond its capacity.
All that is not equal to the poison which flows
From your eyes, from your green eyes,
Lakes where my soul trembles and sees its evil side...
My dreams come in multitude
To slake their thirst in those bitter gulfs.
All that is not equal to the awful wonder
Of your biting saliva,
Charged with madness, that plunges my remorseless soul
Into oblivion
And rolls it in a swoon to the shores of death.
Charles Baudelaire - The Flowers of Devil.
Rudoff Eickemeyer - Evelyn Nesbit 1901
Franz von Stuck - Spring 1912
Elizabeth Peyton Florine (Florine Stettheimer) 2005
Statue of Daphne John Singer Sargent (1856-1925)
John William Waterhouse (1849-1917) Psyche Opening the Golden Box, 1903
Eric Guillemain for Vogue Turkey January 2011